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Patriots Top Waltham in a 14-10 Win

Senior Co-captain Hannah Dudley led the team with ten draw controls, 5 goals and 4 assists.

All told CC controlled 18 draws. Waltham’ Taylor Pinzone dominated Waltham’s scoring was able to score 10 goals a few free position shots with a rocket shot from just insie the 8 meter line. O’Neil 3 goals and 4 assists.

Although CC’s had possesion of the ball for most of the game, Waltham was able to capitalize on turn overs with the help of Taylor Pinzone.

16 draw contols for CC girls.

Flynn stepped up to make 8 saves in the first half. Goalkeeping duties were shared by Ameilia Slade and Finn for the second half.

Written by Judy Vaughn.

Photos by Andy Dudley and Dave Andonian.

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